My beach vacation couldn't of come at a better time. The week before vaca, I pulled my hip flexor (we think). Even though the jump to my 60 mile ride the week prior SEEMED like a great idea... it wasn't. I was training too hard, too fast.
So after a few visits to my dry needle expert before I left, heavy meds, a visit to a random Florida chiropractor, and beach rest....I'm almost back to ship shape.
How did I train on vacation, you ask?
I definitely didn't bike.
And my "swim" consisted of me floating in the ocean with a drink in hand.

I didn't run, since I was advised not to.
I did stretch and walk a lot. Dry sand walking is a good workout!
I did feel good enough towards the end of vaca to throw in some squats, lunges, and push-ups. Funny though... I haven't done any in weeks, so I was more sore than ever!!
That was the ass kicking I needed to remind me that I need to do strength work. Trying to avoid those injuries again.
I accounted in my training program for having last week off, so it works out perfectly.
I'll start back this week on training-program-track with a "recovery week".
Again, great timing!
Below are a few of my favorite pictures from the beach!
****Side Note: Norton and IRONMAN are planning to start their PR (public relations, NOT personal best) pieces on my journey!
Norton posted this first article:
And IRONMAN wanted an intro video on what I am doing and why (because I'm crazy?):
I'm feeling very special :)
Hope I don't screw this up!