Why does my hip hurt? I'm more tired and hungry this week than I have been all training! What's that pain in my wrist... and thumb?! Why do I feel all of a sudden so unprepared and not confident?!
Apparently, I'm doing the tapering right.
Everyone says that the first official taper week you feel like crap, random pains pop up, and you feel fat and unprepared. Thank goodness, because I am feeling VERY OFF. So off, that I ordered a $30 cupping set off Amazon to alleviate my "phantom pains".
At least I am staying entertained with it :)
I'm also having trouble sleeping and eating because of nerves. It seems a handful of people in my circle of athletes have been plagued with DNF's this year. Please for the love of God do not pass that onto me! It is an awful plaque that I do not wish to catch.
I am also using hand sanitizer and Lysol like I own stock in it. If I catch anything in the next few days, that would be no bueno!
Right now the main concerns are the Ohio River and the weather.
Are we going to be able to swim? The algae level is so high that we are told not to swim in it (for now). In addition, the KY weather has been holding strong in the dry 90's.
Will we be wetsuit legal?
If I wear a wetsuit, do I have to start in the back?
Will the swim be cancelled all together because of the algae bacteria?
So many questions, and it is wrecking my brain.
KY weather is a constant gamble, especially in the Fall. It might be 90, it might be 50, there might be a hurricane. One thing is for sure... we won't have an answer until race morning. I wish I had a job where I only had to be correct 30% of the time. Lucky weatherpersons!

Switching over to the bike, I rode the IMLOU bike loop last week with another IM first-time
This is the loop we do twice and it has all the hills. We found a turtle to save on the way and I'm thinking this little guy will bring us luck!
Also, I created these notes for my bike that will allow me to break down the ride into sections and keep my nutrition on track. I need goalzzzzzz.

That ride allowed me to visualize where & when I will do what & how!
Just tell me when to eat my Uncrustable, damn it.
Onto the run, I did get a chance to run what I THINK is part of the route, but geez it is confusing. I just pray it is marked well because there are a LOT of twists and turns... and it WILL BE DARK!
I've been reading all of the post in the IRONMAN FB groups (This one and
This one) and honestly.,.. it stresses me out. Everyone has their own way of training, tapering, thinking, eating, prepping. Half of the things people post make me doubt all of my training.
I'm just gonna do me.
I've made my checklists. I have my stuff in bags. Will they be perfect? No. Nothing will ever be perfect. I'm planning for mistakes. And that's ok.
Next week will be my last blog before race day!
It has been a training adventure and I'll be so happy when it is over!
(Note: I did not say "when I cross the finish line" because ya never know what will or will not happen! lol)
Last week's training was super random. My dad was in town, so I missed a weekday bike ride. The open water swim was cancelled, so I checked out my wetsuit in the pool. We rode the IM loop. I did my last technique swim with the Swim Smooth swim squad. I did a 'Tough Pumpkin 5k' on Saturday. And I'm planning to pop in the pool today for a super long swim.
Exactly 7 days to this minute, I'll be jumping in the river!
