Week One, I swam more than I have all year. My best rule of thumb is to just swim until I have to pee, then (unlike some people), I get out of the pool. It usually gets me close to 1500yds. I realize at some point I'll have to take a pee break, lose my lane to someone, and eventually get back in to finish my workout. The downtown YMCA pool vultures are just waiting for me to finish.
And I. Don't. Share. Lanes. Sorry I'm not sorry.
I was pretty impressed with myself last summer when I figured out how to pee while swimming in open water. It's not easy. I also figured out how much time I save by peeing in my tri suit during a race.
At the end of the swim- yes.
In transition- yes.
On the bike- yes.
The run is tricky and more obvious, so that requires a stop. I'm a fan of my one-piece tri suit and it is waaaay too hard to try and work my butt out of a wet/sweaty suit.
Total TMI, I know. But these are the questions people ask. And if you are a runner, we talk about pee and poop all the time.
I didn't realize how tired I would be after week 1. Two-a-days will take some time to get used to again. Thursday will always be the worst day with me teaching 2 yoga classes, fitting in my hours of training, and getting to the end of the week.
And I guess I should start eating breakfast.
A few months ago, I worked in some intermittent fasting to my diet where I try to have at least 14 hours between dinner and breakfast. Sounds easy, but if I'm eating dinner at 8pm, and have an early workout... it is hard. My stomach growls like a T-Rex.
I'll need to get my nutrition in check.
Saturday was an off-day, but I still had to work a Bike to Beat Cancer kickoff at 6am, then head over to a wedding.
It's our THIRD Derby City Run Club wedding! I am so happy that DCRC is bringing people together. I love these folks. They are my people.
Week 2 looks like it will be more focused on speed, which I lack. So it could be interesting!
As I mentioned in a prior post, I'll be noting my workouts each week so I can learn my strengths and weaknesses. Here is Week One!
